Wooltrade B.V. is a trading company specializing in supplying
all types of wool with offices based in Argentina,
The Netherlands and Israel.
Micael Berezovsky and Erik de Leeuw, owners and founders
of Wooltrade B.V., have gained their experience in the
international wool trade for over more than a decade now.
Our knowledge of the wool market is based upon many
years of trading in South-America, the Far East,
the Middle East, Australia and all of Europe.
For more information please do not hesitate to contact us.
Kindest regards,
Micael & Erik
Wooltrade B.V.
Breughelstraat 8 H
1077 LC Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Erik De Leeuw
Tel: +31.6.50646260
Skype: erik.de.leeuw
Micael Berezovsky
Tel: +972(0)50 7681965
Skype: wooltrade-micael
Email: info@wooltrade.com